Your LinkedIn Summary statement is your beachfront property and are you using this piece of real estate properly? Here are some simple rules to follow to get the most out of the 2,000 characters allotted.

Have you clearly Defined your Brand? What are those key qualities you want to be identified by? What words would you describe yourself to be recognized?
Have you clearly stated your Value? What action verbs would you describe yourself by?
Have you included a way for others to Contact You? Remember that only first degree connections have direct access to your email. So add your email here.
Have you included Accomplishments, ones with measurable results?
Have you included Key Words or Technical Skills that relate to your Brand?
Remember you only have one chance to make a good impression make sure you are getting the most of your real estate on LinkedIn. Your summary statement should be concise, memorable and positive. Think of this as your commercial, what would you say if this was being aired during the "Super Bowl"