Job Searching in the Age of Technology

Posted:September 12, 2018 | Tags:

Job searching has changed over the past decade, gone are the days of one resume and applying in person. The new age of technology makes job searching overwhelming. What is an ATS or LinkedIn? As a Career coach I recommend embracing technology and learning how to become more tech savvy.

A few simple steps to get you started:

1. An email just for job search that is your name

2. A Branding Statement

3. A Resume

4. A LinkedIn Profile

5. A method to Organize your job search

The list seems...

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Recruiter Flavor of the Day

Posted:October 3, 2017 | Tags:

Recruiter Flavor of the Day
There are as many flavors of recruiters as ice cream ranging from premium to store brand. As a job seeker you need to be knowledgeable about the different types of recruiters and know to leverage the relationship with different recruiters. Recruiters are not one flavor fits all. You may need to mix to create a perfect sundae that fits your particular job search needs.

Corporate (HR) Human Resource/Talent Acquisition Recruiter work for the hiring company and...

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Job Search Roller Coaster

Posted:August 17, 2017 | Tags:

The daily job search can be exhausting and feel like a roller coaster road with ups, downs, twists, turns, loops and dead ends. Constantly tailoring your resume, drafting personalized cover letters, and anxiously refreshing your email in hopes of at least one reply from a hiring manager is enough to leave you feeling totally drained and discouraged.

The stages of the job search is search constantly, I found one (yeah), apply, answer a lengthy application form, customize your cover letter,...

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LinkedIn Activity

Posted:May 1, 2017 | Tags:

LinkedIn Activity
The recurring inquiry of the week has involved LinkedIn’s Activity.

What is Activity? Activity includes profile updates, sharing/liking/commenting on articles on LinkedIn, or publishing an original article such as this one. Pertinent Activity is different for everyone. The key is to find content that will promote your brand.

Where is Activity found? Activity is found on your profile page before your professional experience.

Who can see your Activity? Anyone on LinkedIn who...

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An Introduction to Making Connections in LinkedIn

Posted:January 27, 2016 | Tags:

LinkedIn is a powerful networking tool; but many of us do not know how to contact others or use its features to connect with colleagues or make new associations to grow our network. Joining LinkedIn is a little like moving to a new city. You may know a few people, but there are thousands of others out there who can help you further your career. The question is how do you meet them?


When venturing into any new territory, you start making associations by contacting the people you know. They...

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