Recruiter Flavor of the Day
There are as many flavors of recruiters as ice cream ranging from premium to store brand. As a job seeker you need to be knowledgeable about the different types of recruiters and know to leverage the relationship with different recruiters. Recruiters are not one flavor fits all. You may need to mix to create a perfect sundae that fits your particular job search needs.

Corporate (HR) Human Resource/Talent Acquisition Recruiter work for the hiring company and are usually your first contact with the company. They may even be who calls you for a phone screen. They are your internal recruiters.
Retained Recruiter get paid by the progress in the search. This payment stream varies by agreement between the company and recruiter, however, as a general rule it is the first third of the projected fee to begin the search, the second in some period of time usually 30 – 45 days, and the final third when the person starts or in some agreed upon time frame. Often referred to as executive recruiter, boutique recruiter, headhunter or search firm.
Contingent Recruiter get paid when the candidate starts working. Until then they are working for free. Think of them as a 100% commission sales person. No sale - no income. Referred to as an outside recruiter, contract agency, or firm.

Building a partnership built on trust is key to establishing and leveraging recruiters in your job search. This is not an all you can eat ice cream buffet. You want to be selective and have only a few. In order for the recruiter to remember you are the best fit candidate you must provide accomplishments as they relate to the job you applied for or where call about. It is us to you to follow up with any supplemental material as it relates to the job to help them market you. You must track your activity and follow-up frequently. It is best to establish how to communicate via email or phone and how often when dealing with external recruiters.

Internal recruiters are the gate keeper, they are who stand in your way of that interview. You need to make their job easy by promoting your skills and how closely they align with the job you are being screened for.

All recruiters look for your technical aptitude, will you fit the culture and how much are you worth or will cost the company. Your goal is to be the most placeable candidate they have.

Follow-up is a crucial part of this relationship, if you hear your stomach growling for more ice cream maybe you need to email or call the recruiter. As if the sense of urgency to hire for this position has changes or has anything changed since we last spoke and point out why in detail you are the ideal candidate.